Category: Spielfilm


Die Kneipe


short fiction
Director: Andrzej Król, Gabriel Gauchet,
10 min., Arri 535, 35mm, Cinemascope,
Production: FH Dortmund, Germany 2006


„Be sure to have exhausted everything that is conveyed through motionlessnes and silence (Jean-Luc Godard)

The film is a dark lyrical portrait of a pub and the people who linger in it. While they increasingly lose themselves into innermost thoughts, their perception of things starts mingling with surreal events.

Special Jury Mention “BMW Group Supporting Award for Editing 2006“
Special Jury Mention “Festival Int. Du Court Métrage 2007 Clermont Ferrand”
Nominated for „17. GermanCinematography Award 2007, in Category: Editing
Best Editing “International Youth Short Film Festival Sesily 2007“
Jean-Thevenot-Medal „Alpinale Filmfestival Nenzing, Austria“
Mention for formal and aesthetic resarch „Circuito Off Venice – Short Film Festival“

Act Natural


short fiction
excerpt: 5 min
HD, original lenght: 26 min.,
Director: Konrad Bohley
Production: Academy of Media Arts, Cologne
Germany, 2009


Frido Gerschtel erzählt die Geschichte seines ehemaligen Chefs, eines Werbers. Dieser versuchte, den Anforderungen eines Kunden folgend, einen filmischen Beitrag zu finden, der ihn als authentisch positioniert, sein authentisches Selbst darstellt. Dieses Unterfangen will auch nach zahlreichen Varianten nie so ganz gelingen. So wird das Ganze zu einem nicht enden wollenden Roadmovie.


Special Mention, Filmfest Dresden, Germany 2011
Preis des Landesfilmdienstes Rheinland-Pfalz e.V.., Videofilmtage Koblenz, 2011

Filmfest Dresden 2011
Oldenburger Kurzfilmtage zwergWERK 2010
Unlimited – Europäisches Kurzfilmfestival Köln 2010
Internationales KurzFilmFestival Hamburg 2010




original length: 16 min.
35mm Cinemascope
without dialogues
Director, DoP, Editor: Andrzej Król
Germany/Poland – 2008
A father living on his own remembers an event which took place on the night of his 5- year-old son‘s birthday, exactly one year ago. This fateful night is shown in flashes of memory in which the father being in a drunken state, tries to prevent what is already happening.
Nominated for Promotional Editing Award – FILM+09
1st Prize Winner – Konstanzer – 2009
1st Prize Winner EAMER Region – Kodak Filmschool Competition 2009
Deutscher Kurzfilmpreis 2009 – Nominated for best Shortfilm
First Steps Award 2009 – Nominated for best Shortfilm
Jury Award for Best Shorthilm “19. filmkunstfest Mecklenburg-Vorpommern“
Special Mention – KlangMusikPreis Jury “21st Filmfest Dresden, Germany“
Nominated for Golden Tadpole – XVI Plus Camerimage, Poland
for Filmfestivals, see:


short fiction
Director: Tamer Jandali
Cinematographer: Andrzej Król
excerpt 5 min.
original lenght: 30 min.,
shot on: Arri Alexa
Production: Academy of Media Arts – Cologne, ifs – Cologne
„Schwarzherz“ erzählt von der Zerrissenheit des Schornsteinfegers Marvin, der nicht weiß, wo er hingehört. Verspottet vom Vater und verstoßen von der Geliebten lebt er in seiner eigenen dunklen Welt, in der sich Traum und Wirklichkeit zu vermischen scheinen. Vielleicht ist er aber auch nur ständig zur falschen Zeit am falschen Ort? Am wohlsten fühlt Marvin sich auf den Dächern der Stadt. Und scheinbar nicht in seinem eigenen, sondern im Leben fremder Menschen.


Is it good or bad fortune, fantasy or reality, a terrible mistake or fully intended? The Diplom-film „Grime Heart“ by Tamer Jandali revolves around the conflict of Marvin the chimney sweep, who doesn’t really know where he belongs. Ridiculed by his father and rejected by his beloved, he winds up cocooned in his own dark world, where dreams seem indistinguishable from reality. Perhaps he is just constantly in the wrong place and the wrong time? Marvin feels best on the roofs of his city; apparently not in his own life, but rather in the lives of strangers.
Landshuter Kurzfilmfestival 2014
Unlimited – Kurzfilmfestival Köln 2013

Mwansa The Great

short fiction
5D Mark II
excerpt: 4 min.
original length: 23 min.
Director: Rungano Nyoni
DoP: Andrzej Król
Producer: Rungano Nyoni, Gabriel Gauchet
Financed by: ICREATEFILMS . Focus Features . UK Film Council
Zambia, UK, USA, 2011
Eight year old boy, Mwansa, embarks on a journey to prove his greatness.
BAFTA Nomination 2012 . AMAA Nomination 2012 . Audience Award – Austin Film Festival . Best Film, Best Director, Best Editing – Naoussa Film Festival . Best Short – Film Africa . Special Jury Recognition – Winterthur Film Festival . Freak Award – Agulier de Campoo Film Festival . Best Short Film – Regensburg Short Film Week . Audience Award – Vienna Independent Shorts . Best Festival Short – Take One Awards . Best Short – Mis Me Binga Film Festival . Best Short Film – FESTICAB . Best Short Film – Ayvalik International Film Festival . Griot Best Short Film, RTVA Award – Tarifa African Film Festival . Prix de Signes – Signes de Nuit International Film Festival . Best International Short – Cusco Peru . Best International Short – La Meko Film Festival .

The Korean

excerpt: 4:30 min.
HD, original lenght: 98 min.,
Director: Thomas Dixon
DoP: Andrzej Król
Production: The Korean The Movie LLC,
Distribution: Indian Pictures
USA, 2008
A Big City Mob Boss is betrayed by four criminal associates who disappear with his loot, his girl and more importantly, his pride. With only hours until his arrest, he calls in the deadliest „cleaner“ on the eastern seaboard to track down these dogs and finish them. Now the four of them hole up in Pittsburgh and try to turn the tables on the man known only by the moniker „The Korean“.
Alan J. Bailey Award – Best Action Film, Action on Film International Film Festival, USA
Nominated for best male actor, Action on Film International Film Festival, USA
Nominated for breakout action star, Action on Film International Film Festival, USA



short fiction
26 min.
Director: Nira Bozkurt
Production: Nira Bozkurt, Peter Gombac


In the seclusion of his home, a man at the end of his 30s trains his body, mind and soul meticulously — until his day ends. A symphony of loneliness.


23. Filmfest Dresden/International Short Film Festival 2011, in National Competition